The Last Call: 6th IDEAS English Students' Conference

28. 3. 2019 Kristína Šefčíková

  • Deadline for proposals: March 31st
  • Send proposals to:
  • Categories: Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Translation, and English Language Teaching
  • No registration fee


We are proud to announce yet the 6th IDEAS English Students' Conference at the Department of English and American Studies of Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno.

The conference provides you with an opportunity to share your ideas and your research with other students and academics, to exchange ideas and scholarly experience and to practice your presentation skills (for your theses defences, perhaps), but also to broaden your horizons and possibly get some inspiration for your own studies.

All B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. students who are interested in presenting their work (such as – but not necessarily – their B.A. and M.A. theses or doctoral projects) should send the topic and the outline of their presentations of max 300 words to by the 31st March 2019. The presentations should be approx. 20 minutes long.

Categories: Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Translation and English Language Teaching

Selected contributions will have the possibility to GET PUBLISHED in our department's peer-reviewed scholarly journal THEPES - Theory and Practice in English Studies! Don’t hesitate to contact us with any further inquiries.

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