University Walking Community 2024 volunteering programme

28 May 2024

The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) is launching the second edition of the University Walking Community 2024 (UWC) volunteering programme.

The UWC 2024 is aimed at the CGU community between 18 and 30 years old who wish to volunteer for 15 uninterrupted days, from 1 August to 15 August 2024, in town halls located along the Camino Francés as it passes through the Autonomous Community of Aragon (Spain).

There are 15 places available, and the selected volunteer will receive a grant in kind that covers civil liability and accident insurance, accommodation, local transport, participation in leisure activities and other benefits set out in the programme's guidelines, which can be found here.

The deadline for registration is 10 June 2024 (12.00 PM GMT). The application form and full details of participation are available here.

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