Scholarship programmes

Regulations and conditions for awarding scholarships at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University

In accordance with the new MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations, effective as of 1 July 2017, the faculty may award scholarships within scholarship and bursary programmes (see sections 1-6 below) or outside scholarship and bursary programmes (see sections 7–11 below).

It is possible to apply for extraordinary scholarships outside the announced programmes through the Study Department of the Faculty. The application form can be found here. There is no legal entitlement to the award of an extraordinary scholarship.

Merit scholarship

The Merit Scholarship Programme has been in operation since the academic year 2013/2014. The scholarship is awarded to a student who fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 3 of the Directive for the assessed semester. Where a student has participated in a semester-long international internship (e.g. Erasmus) during the assessed semester and has not attained the stipulated number of credits (while satisfying all other conditions), they can apply to be included in the programme individually by means of this application.

Support for student associations and cultural and artistic activities at the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts offers also scholarships within the Scholarship Programme Supporting Student Associations and Cultural and Artistic Activities at the Faculty of Arts. Its purpose is to support and acknowledge the extraordinary achievements of students in the above-mentioned fields that contribute to the development of the communal life of the faculty and the promotion of its good reputation. Activities that are supported include, for example, the organization of discussions and lectures, the organization of exhibitions, concerts and theatre performances, the publication of student journals, and activities of student associations which reach all parts of the faculty. The scholarship programme is open-ended. Applications are assessed twice per academic year, in February and September according to the laid down criteria. The Dean decides on the awarding of the scholarship on the basis of a proposal from the scholarship committee of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts of MU.

Erasmus + mobility compensation support

The purpose of this programme is to compensate for the negative impact of changes to the flat-rate amount of Erasmus + scholarships. It has been possible to participate in the programme for study visits since the spring of 2016. The conditions for participation and the application form can be found in Dean’s directive No. 1/2018.

Support for long-term mobility abroad

The Scholarship Programme to Support Long-term Mobility Abroad (hereinafter referred to as the scholarship programme) is one of the scholarship programmes of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as FA MU). It replaces the FA MU programme for the support of foreign study visits.

The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support the long-term educational mobility abroad of students of the FA MU, such as study visits and internships that are directly related to the subject of study. It is not the purpose of the scholarship to support participation in language courses.

The scholarship is intended for mobility of a typical duration of one semester or no less than thirty days. The scholarship programme is open-ended and began in the autumn semester of 2018.

The scholarship is intended to support full-time and combined students on Bachelor’s and Master’s degree study programmes at the FA MU. The condition for awarding the scholarship is confirmation of the student being admitted to the relevant study programme, and for internships the requirement is an invitation from the relevant foreign workplace or a personal invitation addressed to the particular student.

Students outside the Erasmus + programme can apply for a scholarship, irrespective of the target country, but the scholarship can only be awarded where it has been proved that funding could not be obtained from the Erasmus + programme or any other source of student funding. An important prerequisite is also that sufficient funds are available within this scholarship programme.

The student may draw on this scholarship once per academic year at most. Where there is excess demand, priority will be given to those students who are to receive this scholarship for the first time. The scholarship is paid in two stages: 80% of the estimated costs are paid once the application has been approved; the remaining 20% ​​of the scholarship is paid after the end of the stay. Submissions of applications for the spring semester are always due in by 15 December of the year before. Applications for the autumn semester must be submitted by 25 June. Incomplete or incorrectly filled out applications will be automatically excluded from the process of evaluating applications and disqualified from entitlement to a scholarship. The situation where a mobility application is not entered into IS MU records system by the application deadline is also considered to be an incomplete application.

Further information and an application form can be found in Dean’s directive No. 2/2018.

Support for specialized excursions

Students who participate in specialized excursions which are organized in the framework of taught subjects (block courses) under the auspices of a lecturer may be supported from the scholarship fund, from which funds are transferred to individual departments. Given the current state of the scholarship fund, it is not possible to continue with the former automatic and centralized support for all student trips or study visits in the framework of excursions.

Alleviating difficult life situations

The purpose of this type of scholarship is to alleviate the adverse social situation of students who are not participating in the Social Scholarship Programme that was announced by Masaryk University Rector’s Office. More information can be found in Dean’s directive No. 1/2016. An application form can be found here.

Foreign students

The dean of the faculty grants selected students of foreign universities a three-month scholarship of CZK 8,000 per month for the study of Czech language, literature and culture. The applicants’ level of Czech language should be such that they are able to participate in lectures and seminars held in the Czech language. Students on the scholarship can avail themselves of the canteen and dormitories services that are provided for them. The scholarship does not include health insurance.

The application for the scholarship, together with a brief curriculum vitae and at least one recommendation letter from the student’s Czech teacher at their home university, must be sent, at latest, by 30 April of the given year to the contact address provided at the website of the Division of Czech for Foreigners.

The faculty also contributes to supporting the foreign students’ study of Czech with a scholarship as part of the CEEPUS exchange.

Support for the international mobility of doctoral students

There is a scholarship exclusively for students of doctoral study programmes in full-time and combined forms of study. The aim is to support the active participation of students in academic conferences abroad and opportunities for short-term study visits (of up to 1 month) to partner institutions abroad. Applications may be submitted throughout the academic year.

The source of the funding is the scholarship fund of the faculty. The conditions for awarding the scholarship can be found here.

Other activities supported by the faculty

  1. The participation of students in high-level, professional internships with commercial entities
  2. Cooperation on the faculty version of the brochure Prvákoviny
  3. Rewarding students who achieve the top positions in national competitions
  4. Other notable activities

MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations

International Relations Office


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