Tübingen Virtual Intercultural short-term Program TÜ-VIP October 2024

It's ONLINE and it's FREE!

28 Aug 2024

We would like to inform you of an open call for applications for the Tübingen Virtual Intercultural Program TÜ-VIP in October 2024. It's ONLINE and it's FREE!

One lesson each week for ten weeks...

Imagine meeting once a week with students from around the world to talk about things that truly matter to you, in real-time! TÜ-VIP is a 10-week online program offering courses on Sustainability, Politics, Intercultural Communication, German and other language courses, as well as classes on Identity, Culture, and Human Rights. TÜ-VIP even has an online buddy program so you can get to know Tübingen and what life is like here. TÜ-VIP courses can be taken in addition to your studies at home while opening doors for networking and future careers. TÜ-VIP courses prepare you perfectly for a later stay abroad, possibly at Tübingen University.

More information can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact the TÜ-VIP colleagues via tuevip@uni-tuebingen.de.

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