Instructions for recording foreign stays and internships

Study stays

Before you leave

A student who travels to study at MU on a foreign study placement administered by MU or another entity is required to complete and sign a Learning Agreement (LA) form. Follow the manual if you travel through the Erasmus+ programme or another programme (e.g. faculty agreements, partner universities, CEEPUS, etc.)

The Learning Agreement is filled in electronically via the ISOIS MU system. The student confirms the LA electronically and sends it for further approval by the responsible person of the study programme through which the student is travelling. The responsible person for the study programme will recognize the courses (whether as A, B, C, or D courses), adjust the credit value if necessary, upload his/her signature, and the Learning Agreement will go to the staff member of the International Relations Office/Centre for International Cooperation (CIC) selected by the student. If the program is administered at the CIC, you select the coordinator (program contact person) at the CIC. If the program is administered in the International Relations Office, you select the coordinator in the International Relations Office. The International Relations Office/Centre for International Cooperation checks whether the student has sufficient credits (min. 20 ECTS/semester) and confirms it with a signature. Furthermore, the system automatically sends the LA to the contact person at the host institution for a signature. The document can be downloaded in .pdf format when all parties confirm the LA.

The student registers his/her study stay in the IS MU (Internships and stays application in the Student section of IS MU), enters the type of stay, mobility programme and the host institution, or other required information. As a contact person at MU, the student specifies the responsible person (usually the departmental coordinator) and indicates the administrator at the faculty (selected from the provided options). The student also uploads the signed Learning Agreement there.

The student does NOT register for the courses stated in LA. Courses will be recognized upon request for course credit after returning from abroad.

During your stay

After arriving at the host institution, the student completes the selection of courses to be studied. Any changes need to be recorded in the ISOIS MU system by clicking "Add changes" in his/her LA. The updated LA is again approved by the departmental coordinator, the International Relations Office/Centre for International Cooperation and the contact person for the host university. Changes to the study agreement must be made within 30 days of the start of the semester at the host university. The student then uploads the form of changes to the learning agreement to the application in the IS MU, marking the document as "Changes to LA".

Before leaving the host university, the student arranges the issuance of the Confirmation of Study Period/Confirmation of Studies and the Transcript of Records or other documents required for recognition of credits/courses taken at MU. They are available for download on the CIC website.

Upon return

After arriving at MU, the student uploads the remaining documents to the foreign stay folder in the IS MU (Internships and stays application in the Student section of IS MU). The foreign stay folder now contains the LA with all signatures, including changes, the Confirmation of Study Period/Confirmation of Studies and the Transcript of Records.

The student checks that the date of return from the host university is the same as the date on the Confirmation of Study Period/Confirmation of Studies.

Once the required documents have been entered, the application will allow the student to enter the recognised courses into the IS MU (including the method of recognition, credit value and grade) and request their recognition. The student is required to enter all successfully completed courses recorded in the learning agreement (or changes) and in the Transcript of Records as confirmed and indicated in these documents.

The assessment and termination method for recognised courses is based on the MU assessment and termination method (an overview is available here).

Subsequently, the administrator/responsible person/study department will automatically approve requests for recognition of courses (if all requests are in order). In the case of any deficiencies found, the student is invited by email to remove or complete them.

The original documents of the learning agreement and its changes, the confirmation of studies and the Transcript of Records may be requested from the student in the original version, and the student must be able to provide the original documents upon request.

Important notice

It is not necessary for the student to register for the courses that will be recognised or for the teacher who supervises the student's stay (typically the departmental coordinator/responsible person) to write down the grades for these courses. Conversely, this is a complication that the study officer must resolve - otherwise the student is left with an incomplete record of the international placement in the Study Record and cannot have their studies closed (e.g. prior to the state exam).

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Before you leave

A student who has been accepted into a mobility programme administered by MU or another entity is required to complete and sign a Training Agreement (TA) form.

The student will submit this document for signature to the responsible person of the department through which he/she is travelling. By signing, the responsible person (usually the departmental coordinator) agrees to the student's work plan and indicates the number of credits and courses that will be awarded after completing the work plan (usually the course below). The host institution also signs the Training Agreement.

The student registers his/her traineeship/internship in the IS MU (Internships and stays application in the Student section of IS MU) and uploads the TA here. As a contact person at MU, the student specifies the responsible person who signs the Training Agreement.

The student applies for course recognition after returning from the work placement. Under no circumstances does the student register for the course stated in the LA before departure, during the placement or after return. The course will be recognized in the IS upon approval of the student's request in the recognition application (after returning from the placement).

During your stay

The student arranges the Confirmation of Placement Period before leaving the host institution. It is available for download on the CIC website.

After you return

The student submits the Confirmation of Placement Period of the internship to the responsible person of the department. The responsible person agrees by signature to the student's TA and, if completed, confirms the original number of credits/list of courses to be awarded. If changes occur in the work plan or length of stay, the credits/courses awarded may change.

Upon arrival at MU, the student uploads the required documents to the foreign stay folder in IS MU (Internships and stays application in the Student section of IS MU), i.e. the Training Agreement and Confirmation of Placement Period with all signatures.

After uploading the required documents, the application allows the student to enter the recognised course(s) into the MU IS (the course Zahraniční pracovní pobyt/Placement abroad, or its equivalent from the course offer of his/her field of study at MU or another corresponding course from MU as entered in the Confirmation of Placement Period). The course is entered as a new course with the same title as in the Confirmation of Placement Period and is recognized as a course from the faculty catalogue.

The assessment and termination methods for recognised courses are based on the MU assessment and termination methods (an overview is available here).

In the case of a two-semester work placement/internship, the student has at least one course (covering the Zahraniční pracovní pobyt/Placement abroad) recognised in one semester. The credits of all these courses must match the sum of all credits in the Confirmation of Placement Period.

Enrolment in the course Prac_pobyt Placement abroad should be consulted with the study department of the faculty.

If the student has been on a work placement and has not taken any courses, the application for recognition of courses from the placement abroad should be completed as follows:

  1. Course title in the language of instruction: Traineeship abroad
  2. Course title in English: Traineeship abroad
  3. Number of credits: number of ECTS you have listed in the Training agreement total
  4. Completion: credit
  5. Assessment: z
  6. Language of instruction: English
  7. Teachers' names: contact person who was responsible for your traineeship at the host institution
  8. Save
  9. Find the courses you want to have recognised
  10. Submit your application

Subsequently, the administrator/responsible person/study department will automatically approve the course recognition request (if all requests are in order). If deficiencies are found, the student is notified by email to correct or complete the deficiencies.

The original documents of the training agreement and the Confirmation of Placement Period may be requested from the student in the original version, and the student must be able to provide the original documents upon request.

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