Foreign stays for PhD students at the Faculty of Arts MU

Within the framework of doctoral education, students must gain independent international experience to become independent researchers after graduation. A study abroad placement is an essential activity within doctoral studies that develops the student, the university and the faculty.

Part of the study obligations during the doctoral study programme is a study or research stay at a foreign institution of at least one month.


Doctoral students choose between three types of stays:

  • Study stay - a crucial part of the stay is enrolling in courses at the host university
  • Practical placement/traineeship (work placement, 40h/week requirement) 
  • Other stay abroad -  work on the thesis, e.g. in a library or archive, summer schools, conferences. No courses are registered abroad.

Doctoral students are advised to follow the current offer of study stays, internships and scholarships for current opportunities abroad.

More options for study-related stays abroad can be found on the website of the Academic Information Agency search engine.

Study Placements

Doctoral students are allowed to go on a study stay, e.g., through Erasmus+ Europe, CEEPUS, and Freemovers. It is also possible to go through partner universities, or apply for various scholarships such as the Visegrad scholarship or Fulbright scholarship.

Detailed conditions for individual programmes can be found on the MU Centre for International Cooperation website.

A condition of the study stay is enrolment in courses at a foreign university, usually study stays last one semester.

Before the departure, the student must record the study placement in the IS application Internship and Stays.

The documents for study placements are:

Before the mobility: Learning agreement (LA).

After the mobility: Transcript of Records (ToR) and Confirmation of Studies (CoS) or Certificate of Study/Stay


Several programs, such as Freemover of Erasmus+ traineeship, can be used to support practical internship stays abroad.

Erasmus+ offers a specific program for PhD students called: Erasmus+ short term PhD mobilities

You can find the conditions for practical internships through individual programmes on the MU Centre for International Cooperation website.

Other stay abroad

The most used type of stay for PhDs - can be used to record summer schools, research stays in libraries, archives, conferences, etc.

Documents for the placement: the templates of the documents can be found in the documents section of this page. Before the departure, the student must record the study placement in the IS application Internship and Stays.

Before the mobility: Foreign Activity Plan (FAP)

After the mobility: Foreign Activity Report (FAR)


- the supervisor is the person in charge of doctoral students -(see Methodological Sheet CZS 1/2024 Article 2(3) and Article 3(3d).
- Issue of business trip vs. student - Art. 7 para. 1.


Our faculty offers the possibility of funding a research stay through the Scholarship Programme for the International Mobility of Doctoral Students. The text of Measure 1/2025, including the annexes, can be found here. (english translation will be available soon)

The application is submitted through the Document Office in IS.

Before submitting the application, it is necessary to register the stay the IS application Internship and Stays and upload approved Foreign Activity Plan document. Towards the end of your stay, you will complete and upload the Foreign Activity Report into IS.

Measure FF MU 1/2025

From the academic year 2023/2024, short-term traineeships for PhD students are offered at the Faculty of Arts under the Erasmus+ programme. More information on this programme can be found here

Other options:



Visegrad Fund

Masaryk Distinguished Chair in Israel


Research Placements - CIC MU website

  • Plan your study abroad period

    Preferably at the beginning of your PhD studies, we recommend you to look at the study abroad options, programme conditions and especially the application deadlines so that you can plan your study abroad stay in line with the application to the relevant programme.

  • Consult the intention of your stay

    Together with your supervisor at MU, discuss the location, purpose and destination of your stay. 

  • Get to know the conditions of your scholarship program

    Doctoral students at the MU Faculty of Arts most often choose programmes such as Freemover, Support for International Mobility of Doctoral Students, Special Grant for Short-term Placements, etc.

  • Enter your stay in IS

    For international student trips: enter your stay in IS (using the Internships and stays application in the Student section) and upload a pdf of your completed and approved documents before mobility.

    Please choose carefully whether your stay is for study, traineeship or other purposes.

    If you are undertaking your stay within the framework of a project administered at the MU Faculty of Arts, please indicate this project in the "Related research projects and projects" section when registering your stay.

  • Documents related to your stay abroad

    Each type of stay and scholarship requires different documents. Check with the specific stays to find out exactly which documents you need to complete and upload to IS for your stay abroad. Usually this is one document before departure and a second document to be submitted at the end of the stay.

  • Apply for a scholarship

    Once you have your placement entered in IS and a documents uploaded, you can apply for a scholarship. For the Support for International Mobility of Doctoral Students programme - you apply through IS Document Office - contact person Mgr. Jiří Žoudlík. For the Freemover programme or the Special Grant for Short-term Placements - you apply at the MU CIC (contact person Mgr. Zita Hrabovská).

  • When you return, close the process

    At the end of your stay, make sure to ask your host university to sign a Certificate of Completion. This may be a different type of document for each type of placement. Check in advance which documents your type of stay requires.

    Upload the documents in the evidence of your stay in IS and if applicable, apply for recognition of your stay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Co mám dělat, když nemůžu sehnat podpis na hostitelské univerzitě?

Foreign Activity Plan a Foreign Activit Report si nechte podepsat pouze od Vašeho školitele.

Můžu jet na zahraniční výjezd do knihovny/archivu?

Ano, na tento výjezd je vhodné využít fakultního stipendia. Je vhodné myslet na minimální počet dní, aby se Vám výjezd počítal do povinného zahraničního pobytu. Na tento typ výjezdu se využívá "zahraniční pobyt jiný".

Musím v zahraničí získat kredity?

Nemusíte, ale pokud máte na katedře/ústavu podmínku splnění předmětu s názvem "zahraniční stáž", musíte si stáž za tento předmět uznat.

Můžu si nechat uznat výjezd za předmět?

Ano, můžete. Pro splnění předmětu "zahraniční pobyt" je zpravidla požadováno absolvováni výjezdu o délce alespoň 30 dní (v některých případech i více), dle požadavků školícího pracoviště, takže by předmět neměli uvádět v případě kratších pobytů.

Kdy můžu zažádat o fakultní stipendium?

Ve fázi, kdy máte potvrzené potřebné dokumenty před odjezdem a pobyt vložený do ISu do sekce evidence stáží a pobytů.

Můžu si měšíční pobyt rozdělit do kratších úseků?

Ano, minimální délka jednoho úseku je 7 dní na místě pobytu, je třeba se také řídit pravidly Vaší katedry/ústavu.

Kdo mi poradí s naplánováním svého výjezdu?

Váš školitel. Co se týče administrativy, můžete se obrátit na zahraniční oddělení fakulty. V případě nejasností v otázkách fakultního stipendia, kontaktujte prosím Mgr. Jiřího Žoudlíka.

Na koho se obrátit, pokud potřebuji řešit specifickou situaci pojící se s mým studiem?

Na Vašeho školitele, případně oborovou radu.

Jak zjistím, že je můj zahraniční pobyt správně zaevidován?

Je třeba, aby byl pobyt navázán na průběh Vaším studiem. Pobyt by měl být také vidět v ISP (Individuálním studijním plánu) nebo v sekci "stáže a pobyty", kde je informace, zda je pobyt navázán na průběh studia.


Documents filled in by the student before and after the stay and uploaded in the IS:

Foreign Activity Plan

Foreign Activity Report

Documents, guidelines, methodologies:

Směrnice MU č. 2/2024

Metodický list OV RMU č. 2/2024


Doctoral studies in shared dissertation supervision (cotutelle) are based on cooperation between the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University and a foreign university. The dissertation supervision is provided by the shared cooperation of two supervisors from both contracting institutions and the student completes an agreed part of the doctoral studies at the foreign partner institution. The study, the doctoral examination and the defence are arranged in such a way that the graduate receives both a diploma from Masaryk University and a diploma issued by the partner institution.

Studies of this type must be registered in the IS in the student's study record immediately after the signing of the cotutelle contract (provided by the study department, where one copy of the signed contract must be delivered). Each trip to a cooperating foreign institution must also be recorded in the MU IS before the trip abroad is implemented. To register individual trips, please contact the Study Department via e-mail

A template of the cotutelle contract is available at (access is possible only after logging into the MU IS).

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