Departmental coordinators and responsible persons

The departmental coordinators from the faculty departments will provide you with information about the choice of courses offered for exchange students. The responsible persons can confirm your Learning Agreement/Training Agreement.

Departmental coordinators

Departmental coordinators at the faculty departments

Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies

Department of Czech Literature

doc. Mgr. Jan Tlustý, Ph.D.

phone: +420 549 49 7435

mobility coordinator for a Double Degree programme with ULB in Belgium

Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies

Department of Classical Studies

information for foreign students

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Responsible persons

Responsible persons at the faculty departments

Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies

Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies

Department of Classical Studies

information for foreign students

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

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